
I was lead art director for Tahiti Tourisme, City of Hope, SoCalGas, Whole Foods Market Dunn-Edwards Paints and State of Washington Anti-Smoking. And the art director for Natrol Vitamins and Honda Powersports.

Industries I've worked in: high tech, airlines, foodservice, fashion, travel, sports, and motorsports, just to name a few.

Fun facts:
Once, at an L.A. Clippers game, every single printed piece I saw that night was my own work (the tickets, game program, pole banners and free commemorative posters).

A Thai Airways bus wrap I designed was riddled with bullets in the movie Heat.

And I once shaved a poodle and won an award for it.

When’s I’m not art directing, I like to play golf and sketch. Not at the same time though. But maybe that would be fun, hmmm.

My BFA in Advertising Communications is from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena.
